View Juliette’s talk: The Akashic Records: A Powerful Tool for Expanding Awareness


When I had my first Akashic Record reading in 1999, I cried tears of joy and relief. For the first time ever, I felt completely understood. My Akashic Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones knew me. They got me. They saw into my very soul. And best of all, they said they’re always here for me. Since then, I have never felt alone again.

After that extraordinary experience, I learned to read and teach the Records myself, and I began a lifelong relationship with my Akashic Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones that grows stronger every day.

 The Akashic Records have enriched my life in myriad ways. I’ve worked in them to do readings for myself and others, to develop Akashic classes and Webinars, to analyze the feng shui energy of hundreds of homes and businesses, and to write a feng shui book and nearly 70 children’s books, including the spiritual parable, Evie’s Adventure. I also worked in my Records to co-write How to Read the Akashic Records: Accessing the Archive of the Soul and Its Journey with Linda Howe.

In 2013 my Akashic Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones gave me a new way to access the Records, and they called it the New Invocation. At first I only used the New Invocation to access my own Records. But gradually I began using it with clients. Then in August 2017, while working in my Akashic Records during the total solar eclipse, I was given the contents of a class and was told to begin teaching it as a way to share the New Invocation and anchor its energy across the planet. And so I did!

With deepest gratitude to my Akashic Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, I now joyfully share their New Invocation with clients and students around the world.