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INDEPENDENT STUDY: Rise Above It! Viewing Life from an Akashic Perspective

Are you struggling with a situation or a relationship that just doesn’t seem to make sense? In this independent-study class, you will work in your Akashic Records to view the situation from the perspective of your eternal soul. With the help of your Akashic Masters, Teachers, and Loved Ones, you’ll explore how and why the issue began, and you’ll learn why it has come up to be healed at this time.

NOTE: After you register, you will receive a detailed handout that will walk you through the class. After you finish the assignment at the end, we will set up a phone or Zoom call to discuss your experience.

* Prerequisite: Beginning Class: Using the New Invocation to Access the Akashic Records
For more information:
 Call (630) 512-0436 or e-mail

REMINDER: Please abstain from alcohol and recreational drugs for 24 hours before opening your Akashic Records.

Register here: